Electric car leasing in Austria
Flexible financing of your dream car, even with electric cars? The Porsche Bank e-leasing makes it possible.
Request consultation nowWhich financing arrangement is the right one?
The variety of electric car models is growing larger and larger. In addition to fewer local emissions and a progressive image, the driver also receives tax bonuses and government subsidies. But what’s the best way to finance your dream of an electric car? And how do you ensure that – with constantly advancing technology – you’re not betting on the wrong horse?
Alongside financing by way of a purchase or a loan, leasing an electric car provides a flexible option for environmentally conscious drivers. With leasing, the vehicle does not become the property of the lessee. Instead, the lessee pays a one-time downpayment at the start – if desired – that reduces the monthly leasing rate. A leasing contract can be concluded for a period of 3 or 5 years, for example, and offers several advantages compared to a purchase or a loan.
Leasing an electric car? The advantages
You’re not tied to your choice
Are you open to progressive technologies, but buying an electric car is too risky for you? With leasing, you don’t have to finance your new car in full, but instead simply pay a kind of “rental fee”. At the end of the contract term, you can return your car to the dealer and / or exchange it for a newer model.
Lower costs than if you purchase
Do you want to drive an electric car but don’t want to pay the total cost of acquisition? With leasing, you’re only footing the bill for a smaller sum.
Whether for the drive to work, to kindergarten or for long holiday trips: you need to be able to rely on your vehicle 100%. With leasing, you can take full advantage of this aspect. After all, you can drive a brand-new vehicle – without having to buy it. Although high repair costs and breakdowns are unlikely at the start, we’d like to remind you of our service and maintenance package. In the event of damage, we’ve got you covered.
Which models are available?*
Porsche Bank offers electric cars featuring a huge range of manufacturers and vehicle sizes available for leasing via dealers and online. You can also get an overview of leasing prices and models in the Porsche Bank leasing calculator.